Engaging and Original Discursive Essay Topics

Written by Ruby Butz Ruby Butz
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Finding interesting discursive essay topics might be a difficult task, especially for students who aren’t fond of writing or dislike their subject. Fortunately, this problem has a quick and simple solution, but before we get to it, let’s shed light on the most common question first.

What is a discursive essay? This type of essay is a piece of academic writing that describes a topic, details its background, and explores all the main perspectives on it. When writing such an essay, it is essential to look into various points of view, analyzing and comparing them. Virginia Woolf once said, "It is the nature of the artist to mind excessively what is said about him. Literature is strewn with the wreckage of those who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others." This quote underscores the importance of maintaining objectivity and embracing various perspectives without bias, which is a basic principle of writing balanced discussion essays.

These essays are a very common college writing assignment, so learners of all levels must know how best to write them. That’s why we are here! Today, we’ll discuss everything about discursive essay writing as well as outline some creative paper topics. If your professor assigned this type of task to you and now you’re searching for a good topic, consider it found! Our guide will not only explain how to write such essays but also answer questions and offer you a list of original topics you may like.

Five Tips on Choosing Good Topics for a Discursive Essay

Locating a great topic is important because students’ entire research depends on it. Here are five top ways to do it:

  • Consider your personal interests. High-quality custom essay writing always gets the highest praise from professors. To increase the uniqueness and value of your paper, dedicate it to a theme you genuinely like. Maybe there is something you constantly argue over on X; perhaps your favourite movie character has a hobby you’d like to explore scientifically. Choose a topic you feel connected to, and you’ll love writing your essay.
  • Choose something extra relevant. What worries the world most? The discursive essay topics example is great when it’s current and widely known. Staying up-to-date with the news and trends never fails to deliver great results.
  • Go for the most controversial areas. Exploring a subject that multiple people have the most passionate and heated debates over might be interesting.
  • Pick the most researched topic. There is nothing wrong with going the easiest route and choosing a topic that has been researched to death. You’ll find many sources and opinions, so you’ll immediately have what to choose from.
  • Select the least researched topic. If you like challenges, working with a rare and under-researched subject might feel thrilling.

Key Features of a Strong Discursive Paper

So, what should premium quality discursive writing look like? Be sure your essay includes these four aspects:

  • Objectivity. Don’t try to make some arguments look weaker than they are just because you dislike them — and vice versa.
  • Formal writing. Maintain a strict academic tone. Avoid contractions, phrasal verbs, and other informalities.
  • Extensive research. Include plenty of credible sources in your essay.
  • Equality. Present all the points equally. It’s not okay to dedicate 10 sentences to one argument and just 2 sentences to another one.

characteristics of a strong discursive essay

Top Ten Discursive Essay Topics for This Academic Year

Are you interested in exploring the latest trends and news that concern students worldwide? Then check out these discursive topics:

  1. What is the global opinion on Israel’s bombing of Gaza?
  2. Will the cost of college education in Britain continue to rise?
  3. Can energy drinks truly increase one’s workability?
  4. How to make Africa’s economy flourish
  5. Should violent movies be avoided by teens?
  6. Is racism still on the rise?
  7. Are more people becoming obese?
  8. Is hiring essay writers illegal in the UK?
  9. Does anyone still watch TV?
  10. How efficient is marketing, and how it affects buying behaviour

Higher English Discursive Essay Topics

UK students who study higher English should know everything about it, from language to literature to its history. Does that sound intriguing? Then, on to the higher discursive essay topics!

  1. What do such terms as “pro-ship” and “anti-ship” mean?
  2. Is literacy important to an average person?
  3. Explain what higher education means globally
  4. Are scholarships becoming harder to obtain?
  5. Have e-books replaced printed books?
  6. AI versus human writers: who is better?
  7. Is fanfiction a form of literature?
  8. Are romance novels better now, or were they more compelling a century ago?
  9. Does learning languages help understand diverse cultures?
  10. How many languages can a person realistically speak?

Good Discursive Essay Topics for High School

High-school students can get away with researching simpler concepts. Here are some examples of topics for discourse essays of this level:

  1. Do bitcoins still have a future?
  2. Is wearing a school uniform necessary?
  3. Does love cause more pleasure or pain?
  4. What was the best time for women historically?
  5. How can students fight climate change?
  6. Can killing ever be justified?
  7. Is history, as modern people know it, trustworthy?
  8. What harms health more, tea or coffee?
  9. Have cell phones become better in the last 5 years?
  10. Is it better to be an extrovert or an introvert?

Discursive Essay Topics for College Students

College requires more complicated research. Look at these good discursive essay topics:

  1. Should people participate in medical trials?
  2. Ideal global drinking age
  3. Should educational establishments use corporal punishment?
  4. Has online education made students’ lives better?
  5. Is social media dangerous?
  6. Optimal number of work days per week
  7. How many hours of sleep do people need?
  8. Why is TikTok so popular among teens?
  9. Are private schools necessary, or should public schools cater to everyone?
  10. Is a college education worth it in terms of effort and money?

Controversial Discursive Essay Topics

Controversy generates passion, making our blood run hotter. It intimidates some students, pushing them to contact us, asking, “Please write my essay for me” sometimes. That said, if you want to write your paper yourself, try these best discursive essay topics:

  1. Should getting a COVID-19 vaccine be mandatory?
  2. Is Elon Musk a visionary or a fraud?
  3. Should the government have secrets from people?
  4. Should reproduction be selective?
  5. Are there more smart or stupid individuals in the world currently?
  6. Should Ukraine agree to negotiate with Russia?
  7. Is reading books overrated?
  8. Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?
  9. What is the explanation for the Bermuda Triangle?
  10. Is genetic engineering in humans ethical?

Mental Health Topics For a Discursive Essay

Life can be pressing, and mental health issues are becoming ever more relevant. That’s why writing discursive essays on them is always interesting. Here are just a few mental health-related essay topics you can explore:

  1. Do rich people have more or fewer mental health problems?
  2. Why are depression rates rising despite the increased awareness and more help avenues?
  3. Is it possible to spot a person who plans on committing suicide?
  4. Why do many psychologists have mental and emotional problems?
  5. Is social media harmful to mental health?
  6. Does the UK need more mental health awareness campaigns?
  7. What is the most dangerous mental problem?
  8. Is autism a form of mental illness?
  9. Is there a link between sexuality and mental health?
  10. Are children brought up by same-sex parents happier than those raised in traditional families?

Funny Topics For a Discursive Essay

Enough of tragedies and depression. Have some amusing discursive writing topics instead:

  1. Zombie apocalypse survival
  2. What do pets do when their owners leave home?
  3. Is napping at work beneficial?
  4. Extraterrestrial neighbours. Why are aliens avoiding us?
  5. Should adults have mandatory comfort toys?
  6. Dangers of binge-watching TW shows
  7. How to be an adult? Basic skills.
  8. Daily challenges of left-handed people
  9. Laziness as a survival skill
  10. Pets as political leaders

Interesting Topics For a Discursive Essay

Here’s a list of diverse topics that our experts find personally stimulating. Who knows, you might share some of their preferences.

  1. Why do people think about Eurovision 2024?
  2. Is doomsday coming?
  3. Does religion cause more harm than good?
  4. Who is most children’s favourite parent by gender?
  5. Are dogs smarter than cats?
  6. What are the world’s biggest misconceptions?
  7. What do all religions have in common?
  8. Should we allow voting at 16?
  9. What is the role of urban gardening in a big city?
  10. The world's most popular song and the key to its popularity

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Why Is It Difficult to Write Papers Even on the Greatest Discursive Essay Ideas?

Multiple UK students love their subjects. They pick a topic they’re interested in, but sometimes they choose to buy an essay anyway. Why is that? In truth, writing a powerful discursive paper might be frustrating. Look at these frequent problems and check our experts’ solutions:

Problem Expert Advice
Too much research data is available It is easy to get lost in a sea of information. Determine how many views you will include in your paper, then choose several articles or books that represent them.
The topic is not unique enough It’s challenging to find unique discursive essay topics, but you can do it by browsing lists like ours and hiring an expert to create an exclusive theme just for you.
The lack of good sources If the topic is rare, students may struggle with locating a sufficient number of credible sources in their library. Try Google Scholar. As an alternative, consult your professor. They might appreciate your serious approach.
The structure is too complex Combining all the views can be hard. The best approach is writing down all the points you’ll cover and then breaking them into categories based on their differences/similarities. Dedicate one paragraph to the supporters of the idea and the next to those who oppose it.

FAQ About Finding the Right Topics for Discursive Essay

  • What is discursive writing in comparison to argumentative papers?
    In argumentative papers, writers pick their points of view and argue in their favour. They might mention the opposition's views but focus on their personal beliefs. Discursive essays are more objective. You need to dedicate equal attention to all the points and limit your own thoughts to a minimum.
  • What 2 types of discursive papers do I need to know about?
    Roughly, discursive writing is divided into persuasive and argumentative papers. They have their differences that students should learn before they attempt to write anything.
  • What is a discursive statement?
    In most cases, this phrase refers to a thesis statement in a discursive paper. It has to reflect your topic in one single line.
  • Is it bad if my topic is overly extensive?
    It’s better to break broad topics into something more specific. Watch out for the word count: it’ll help you calculate how many points you can explore.
  • What formatting should I stick to when writing my discursive essay?
    APA and MLA are both common formats. Unless your professors suggest differently, follow the academic rules you follow in other projects. Your title should be medium-sized; the discursive essay introduction and conclusion shouldn’t exceed 10% of your word count, and no informal words should be present.
Ruby Butz
Written by Ruby Butz

Meet Ruby Butz, the accomplished author at the StateOfWriting educational blog. With a Master’s in English Literature, notable articles, and extensive teaching experience, she has helped thousands of students develop strong writing skills.