Client reviews

State of Writing Reviews

We are proud to say that our customers are satisfied with their orders and regularly coming back to order more assignments as they progress through education. Here you can read some of the reviews left by the students who have already used our service or leave your review about any experience with us. We believe that customer's feedback is important for improvement of each writer and our company as a whole.

Client id #: 000094

Paper type: Term paper

My experience with writing services is really immense and now I can tell at once if you will receive a decent essay or a completely plagiarized text that was put together at the very last moment. State of Writing will never let you down. Always unique, always on time and friendly. Highly recommend!


Client id #: 000128

Paper type: Essay

You, guys, have done a terrific job on my essay about Shakespeare. My teacher said she had never read anything like this and gave me “A+”. I am on cloud nine and would tell all my friends and classmates about your amazing service.


Client id #: 002195

Paper type: Dissertation

I was at the edge of a nervous breakdown when a week prior to the presentation my dissertation looked like separate parts absolutely unrelated to one another. You have done some magic!


Client id #: 000179

Paper type: Essay

I believe a successful person is the one who knows which tasks require their personal attention and which should be delegated. So I travel around the globe, make useful acquaintances and visit only those lectures I see fit for my plans. For all the rest there is SoW. They never let me down.


Client id #: 000093

Paper type: Book review

That’s really not a big deal to write a book review, but I just didn’t feel like doing it so I ordered it from you. During the writing process, we had to deal with some minor changes, but everything was very professional. Also, the discount offered could make up for it. Thank you!


Client id #: 001139

Paper type: Writing incl. calculations

Great service and they helped me pass my module on one learning outcome I didn’t have time to do.


Client id #: 000101

Paper type: Lab report

These endless lab reports are a real thorn in the side. I can`t stand wasting my time on them. Owing to your website now I have a chance to skip the part between doing experiments in the lab and submitting the report. Very useful!


Client id #: 007104

Paper type: Paper on Law

I am thrilled and cannot wait to submit my paper. It is well-written, has a lot of examples to prove the points and it is properly formatted. I am sure my professor will be pleasantly surprised and I will receive “Excellent” this time.


Client id #: 000123

Paper type: Coursework

I am completely satisfied with this service and glad I have found it since I cannot go on being that sleep-deprived anymore. My professor was content as well and gave me an “A” for the coursework on Biology. You will definitely hear from me in the nearest future.


Client id #: 000235

Paper type: Essay

I'm astonished, amazed, excited and just happy! Writing a science essay was never that easy. I just typed in several words, waited a bit and here it is, my brand new essay that took me no pain and is even interesting to read! Wait for all my classmates placing orders;)