Client reviews

State of Writing Reviews

We are proud to say that our customers are satisfied with their orders and regularly coming back to order more assignments as they progress through education. Here you can read some of the reviews left by the students who have already used our service or leave your review about any experience with us. We believe that customer's feedback is important for improvement of each writer and our company as a whole.

Client id #: 000130

Paper type: Term paper

The quality of my paper is perfect, support service seemed friendly and writers are professional and know what they are doing. Everything was fine.


Client id #: 000129

Paper type: Article

You provided me with the top-quality article and very quick and professional service. Also, a writer followed all requirements of mine and wrote everything I wanted too.


Client id #: 005912

Paper type: Article

I received a truly amazing paper, it had met all my expectations and fully made up for the time invested in the problem statement. Those who want to give a writer a topic and deadline - you are likely to get overwhelmed with the number of details these guys ask. Yet again - it's worth an effort. I got an A:)


Client id #: 000181

Paper type: Article

I've had an outstanding experience with their proofreading and editing services. I work at the college newspaper as a junior editor and tend to be left with someone else's tasks in addition to my own. So I deal with the excessive load by simply delegating it to professionals! But don't tell anyone:)


Client id #: 000132

Paper type: Term paper proofreading

Thank you for doing your job so fast and creatively. When I got my essay written I decided to check whether everything was ok. And in a few minutes I found myself reading the essay so enthusiastically as if it was a novel. I hope my professor enjoys it as well.


Client id #: 000147

Paper type: Case study

Many thanks for your professional support team and experienced writers who don’t need to specify every single detail. No doubts, I will come to you once again.